This tutorial helps you to update your theme.
First of all, read your theme version history. This helps you to know what will happen after updating, it is especially important for major updates.
If you haven’t, download your theme again, this will give you the latest version of the theme.
Now, before you begin, it is strongly recommended to create a backup of your site, there are many free backup plugins, you can choose one you like. It’s also good to install a maintenance plugin and enable the maintenance mode during updating.
Update your theme via WordPress (recommended)
- Log into your WordPress site administration panel
- Navigate to Appearance > Themes
- Delete your theme. You will have to temporarily change the active theme before you can delete your theme. Don’t worry, deleting the theme has nothing do with your data. Your contents and settings are kept in database of your host safely.
- Upload and install the new version Install Your Theme via WordPress
Update your theme via FTP
- Connect to your host via FTP client, if you haven’t got one, pick FileZilla, which is fast, free and easy to use.
- Upload the theme file to your wp-content/themes directory in your host, then unarchive it from the server side. Alternatively, you can unarchive theme file locally, then upload the theme folder in FTP client to “../wp-content/themes”, overwrite the existent theme folder
Update plugins
- Log into your WordPress site administration panel
- Navigate to Appearance > Install Plugins, then update plugins. If the menu doesn’t show up, it means all plugins are already up to date.